Sense what’s right. On Reinhold Würth’s 65th employment jubilee


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This portrait is based on interviews with colleagues from four generations, his wife Carmen, his daughter Bettina – and Reinhold Würth himself.

Artikelnummer: 978-3-89929-307-4 Kategorien: ,


There is a story of enormous success behind the Würth Group: after his father’s early death, a nineteen-year-old takes over the management of what was at that time a two-man business. He expanded it into a group of companies with 64,000 employees and ten billion euros in annual sales. Now as before, after sixty-five years of service to the company, Reinhold Würth is taking centre stage at the Würth Group. A highly successful corporate culture orients itself toward his role model. He is the ultimate authority in the group of companies. Sense what’s right. This is Reinhold Würth’s core competence, in line with his distinctive imaginativeness and his ability to motivate others for his ambitious targets. This portrait is based on interviews with colleagues from four generations, his wife Carmen, his daughter Bettina – and Reinhold Würth himself. Their perspectives, stories and anecdotes provide amusing and enjoyable insight into the pioneer’s multifaceted talents. They tell about his restless path in life and the rapid development of a family-owned company in Baden-Württemberg in postwar Germany.

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